Eco-anarchist Luca “Billy” Bernasconi vrijgelaten!

Net zoals de onlangs vrijgelaten Sylvia  heeft ook Luca er 2/3  van zijn straf op zitten en is op zondag 19 augustus vrijgelaten. Hieronder een paar woorden van Luca over zijn vrijlating.

Hello to all the comrades:

I left on Sunday, August 19. The judge (was foaming at the mouth!), like Silvia, I am also granted parole having reached two-thirds of the sentence. Finding the warmth of vegan compas, finding sights and words, it’s a pure joy to me.

Despite the isolation imposed on us during this time, in fact, there has not been a single time when I had the feeling of being alone. From the letters, from the news of events and initiatives, the news that came of actions, was almost palpable energy, a strong experience, despite everything. So, by force and warmth received from the courage, I can not say thank you enough. Thanks, really.

Naturally, nothing is over, rather, it is just a new beginning along “the path off the main street.”

Now missing Costa and Marco, Porco dio!

Total solidarity with all those investigated and raided by the operation “Mangiafuoco” and all the Anarchist rebels still inside.

