Global Noise Demo: New Year’s Eve 2013/2014

From: Anarchist newslawaaidemo51-700x426

Inside and Outside Prisons, Jails, & Detention Centers around the World

This event is inspired by the North American call out for a day of action against prisons in the New Year of 2010/2011, which happened again in 2011/2012 and again last year, & remains relevant unchanged:

Noise demos outside of prisons in some countries are a continuing tradition. A way of expressing solidarity for people imprisoned during the New Year, remembering those held captive by the state. A noise demo breaks the isolation and alienation of the cells our enemies create, but it does not have to stop at that. Continue reading

Gender Outlaws

Transgender Prisoners Face Discrimination, Harassment, and Abuse Above and Beyond that of Other Prisoners.

In Idaho, inmate Linda Patricia Thompson wanted a transfer to a wotransgendermen’s prison. A male-to-female transgender woman, or M.T.F., she had been living as a woman for several years, had changed her name legally, and was taking black-market oestrogen when she could. Thompson had never been able to afford sex reassignment surgery, nor could she obtain hormones legally: the signatures of two physicians and a psychiatrist were required, and she couldn’t afford the visits. Still, Thompson was assertively feminine, even in handcuffs. At the time of her arrest, she wore a dress and high heels. Continue reading

27-11: Schrijfavond voor transgender gevangenen

cece and chelsea copy_largeWriting evening for transgender prisoners (english below)

In solidariteit met de Transgender Day of Remembrance, een jaarlijkse gedenkdag op 20 november voor trans-identificerende en gender-variant individuelen die vermoord zijn door haat, transfobia en onze strikte gehechtheid aan een binair gender idee, schrijven we op 27 november naar twee transgender gevangenen, namelijk Cece en Chelsea. Continue reading

Verspreid de verboden teksten van Joke Kaviaar

Op 1 november begint het hoger beroep van Joke Kaviaar tegen haar veroordeling voor ‘opruiing’. Deze veroordeling raakt ons allemaal! De Steungroep 13 September roept op tot uitingen van solidariteit!

Vooraf aan deze (regie)zitting zullen muurkranten worden uitgedeeld met daarop één van de ‘opruiende’ teksten. Locatie: voor het Gerechtshof Amsterdam, IJDok 20, 13.30 uur! Continue reading

23rd of October: writing to the Tinley Park 5

On our next ABC writing evening we will write to the Tinley Park Five from the United tinleypark5States.

In May 2012, the Tinley Park Five were arrested in regards to an altercation between white supremacists and antifascists in the Chicago suburb of Tinley Park that left ten injured fascists, three of which needed hospitalization. Continue reading

Solidarity with Skelly from the Cleveland 4!

cle4-indiegogo-poster_0On the 7th of October Josh ‘Skelly’ was found guilty of terrorism and was sentenced to serving 10 years in prison. Josh is one of the Cleveland 4: these are four Occupy Cleveland activists (Brandon, Connor, Doug and Joshua “Skelly”) that were arrested on April 30th, 2012. They were accused of plotting a series of bombings, including that of an area bridge.  However, the real story is that the FBI, working with an informant, created the scheme, produced the explosives, and coerced these four into participating. The Cleveland 4 Support Committee wrote a statement abouth Josh’s sentencing: Continue reading

25-9: Schrijven naar Jock Palfreeman

Op 25 september is het weer de 4e woensdag van de maand en dus tijd voor een ABCJock front schrijfavond.

Deze schrijfavond zullen we schrijven naar Jock Palfreeman, een Australische jongen die als sinds 2007 in Bulgarije in de bak zit voor het beschermen van twee Roma jongens die werden aangevallen door racistische voetbalhooligans. Al jaren voert hij zelf, zijn familie, vrienden en allerlei steungroepen actie om onder andere zijn straf te verkorten en te zorgen dat hij de rest van zijn straf in Australië uit kan zitten.  English below Continue reading