Toronto G20 prisoners update (Kanada)

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Here are some updates about Kevin, Rick, and Joel, three Americans serving time in Canada for Toronto G20 convictions. Please note their current addresses (they have moved since the last update), writing letters is a great way to make sure incarcerated comrades feel connected.

Joel Bitar

On February 13th Joel plead guilty to 12 counts of mischief over $5000 (originally facing 26 counts) and was sentenced to 20 months. He is keeping up a blog while he is inside: You can read his statement to the court here. His current address is: Continue reading

Mexico, 5E: Update on the beginning of the trial

banda5eFrom: Actforfreedom

April 3 and 4 were the dates indicated as the start of the trial for Amelie, Fallon and Carlos, arrested on Jan. 5. For the first hearing, on April 3, the police officers who made the arrest were summoned to testify so to start the presentation of evidence. However, at 11am, the appointed time, no cops showed up, suspending the hearing. On April 4 only one of the summoned expert witnesses was present. New dates for the hearings were set for April 28 and 29.

During the night of April 3 Carlos was moved to the general prison population area. The compañerxs could be seen through the cracks in the railing.The no-show of testifying cops and experts is a strategy of delaying the judicial proceedings which have already been used before in trials against other compañerxs. It is a way to try to erode solidarity. Therefore, we call to continue solidarity with all compañerxs kidnapped by the Mexican government in its prisons. Continue reading

Solidarity zine in English with letters and communiqués about Amélie, Fallon, and Carlos (the 5E3 anarchist prisoners in Mexico City)

damn-rulesFrom: Contrainfo

Click here for PDF.

(…) Perhaps the words of Fallon, Amélie, and Carlos will inspire you to build friendships based on trust and affinity, to have each others’ backs, and to translate your own rage against the world of prisons and police and borders into actions. As Carlos “El Chivo” wrote, “I know that anarchist solidarity is strong like an oak tree, and that always goes farther than simple words.” And as anarchists everywhere never cease to remind us: it’s easy to attack.

Somewhere between Mexico City and Montréal, March 2014.

Mexico City – 5E3 Solidarity Campaign: Anarchists Amelie Pillierst, Carlos López Martin and Fallon Poisson kidnapped on January 5th and detained without bail

From: fuegoalascarcelessolidaridad-818x1024

On the night of January 5th, Carlos – a comrade from Mexico, and Amelie and Fallon – two comrades from Canada, were arrested in relation to a Molotov attack on the Ministry of Communication and Transportation and a Nissan dealership in Mexico City. The three have since been held in detention and have limited contact with anyone, including their lawyer, and Amelie and Fallon have also been visited by the Canadian mconsulate. Continue reading