On the 7th of October Josh ‘Skelly’ was found guilty of terrorism and was sentenced to serving 10 years in prison. Josh is one of the Cleveland 4: these are four Occupy Cleveland activists (Brandon, Connor, Doug and Joshua “Skelly”) that were arrested on April 30th, 2012. They were accused of plotting a series of bombings, including that of an area bridge. However, the real story is that the FBI, working with an informant, created the scheme, produced the explosives, and coerced these four into participating. The Cleveland 4 Support Committee wrote a statement abouth Josh’s sentencing: Continue reading
Tag Archives: cleveland 4
24 april: Schrijven naar de Cleveland 4
Op woensdag 24 april zullen we kaartjes en brieven schrijven naar de Cleveland 4. Doug, Connor, Joshua & Brandon zijn 4 Amerikaanse jongemannen die, onder terrorisme-wetgeving veroordeeld zijn voor het plannen van een aanslag op een drukke verkeersbrug. Lees hieronder meer over de Cleveland 4!
Gevangenenschrijfavond / Prisoner-writing-evening for the Cleveland 4
Woensdag 22 april / Wednesday the 22nd of April
20.00 de Klinker, van Broekhuysenstraat 46, Nijmegen Continue reading