ABC Hurricane: New group of the Black Cross forms in Week of Solidarity for Anarchist Prisoners (UK)

From ABC Hurricane:

Warm greetings, We are ABC Hurricane, a UK-based Anarchist Black Cross group that supports prisoners in struggle.

abch-header9We have named the group ABC Hurricane in order to be non-location specific and to be accessible to anyone wherever they are in the UK or internationally. We see ourselves as part of the Anarchist Black Cross and part of the Black International of Anarchists of Praxis. Continue reading

Anarchistisches Radio Berlin: Interview with ABC Belarus on repression and other topics (Germany, Belarus)

headWe would like to present you an interview the Anarchist Radio Berlin (Anarchistisches Radio Berlin: made with a member of the Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) in Belarus about the anarchist prisoners in the country, the situation in Belarus and the neighbouring countries and the planned infotour through parts of Europe starting in April 2014. Continue reading