ABC Hurricane: New group of the Black Cross forms in Week of Solidarity for Anarchist Prisoners (UK)

From ABC Hurricane:

Warm greetings, We are ABC Hurricane, a UK-based Anarchist Black Cross group that supports prisoners in struggle.

abch-header9We have named the group ABC Hurricane in order to be non-location specific and to be accessible to anyone wherever they are in the UK or internationally. We see ourselves as part of the Anarchist Black Cross and part of the Black International of Anarchists of Praxis. Continue reading

International prisoner solidarity address listings compiled by ABC Brighton (UK)

ABC Brighton have put together a list of anarchist prisoners from around the world, if you notice any errors or prisoners missing, contact them:

Get your pens out and send a letter or a postcard to a prisoner today. Here’s a great writing guide from ABC Leeds. Can’t jail the spirit – keep fighting – keep writing!

Letter appeal on behalf of John Bowden, long-term radical social prisoner, about the criminalisation of the Anarchist Black Cross (UK)

indexvia a comrade of Anarchist Black Cross Brighton:

In 2007 my association with the Anarchist Black Cross was considered a compelling enough reason by the prison authorities to prevent my release, despite the subsequent exposure of the lies manufactured by a prison administration regarding the nature and activities of ABC.

In the summer of 2007 following my transfer to an open jail, Castle Huntley near Dundee, after almost three decades of imprisonment, a prison-hired social worker at the jail, Matthew Stillman, submitted a report to the Parole Board in which he claimed I was linked to what he described as a “terrorist group”, specifically naming ABC, and had received visits from “terrorists” also linked to ABC. As a consequence of Stillman’s allegation I was transferred back to a maximum-security prison. Continue reading

Prison: abolish or destroy? (Deranged)

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To provoke discussion about the issues contained within, and sharpen the attack against the existent, we reproduce the full text of this newly retrieved article from Deranged #0.

Deranged #0 was published a few years ago by random anarchists in London. In UK this year there is a ‘Prison Abolition’ campaign and conference[1], with prior workshops happening in Bristol soon[2]. The post-industrial cybernetic society of the present and near-future, has as it’s aim the abolition of prisons in the name of rehabilitation and social reconfiguration. Continue reading