Gribus #2 Callout for contributions

GribuscoversmallIt has been a while ago since we could present our new anti-prison magazine to you. What started with a discussion about how to get more news about prisoner support and anti-prison related topics into the world, soon transformed into a new magazine called ´Gribus´.

With this zine we try to show the importance of prisoner support and why it should be an integral part of the anarchist struggle. In Gribus #1 we highlighted some individual cases of prisoners along with some writings on prison abolition and alternatives to the prison system and the criminal ´justice´ system.

Hopefully this magazine has informed or inspired you to start thinking about the abolition of prisons, writing to a prisoner, or even burning down a prison. For the next Gribus we are looking for contributions from you. Unlike the last one, this edition is going to be in English. So if you have a nice article, some artwork, announcements, etc, to put into the next magazine, please contact us.The deadline for sending stuff to us is the 21th of March.

Anarchist Black Cross Nijmegen

Adress: Tweede walstraat 21 te Nijmegen