Solidarity Evening for Anarchist Prisoners

IMG_0From: Indymedia

Support night for Political Prisoners, contribution to the Week for Anarchist Prisoners

This night will feature different activities related to Anarchist Prisoners’ support. They will be an Eetcafe from 7pm. Around the same time, Miraho, a hip hop Antifascist Polish singer will sing some of his songs. Check out
The artist Protestango will as well perform during the night: he makes monologues, Rap, Beats, Vocal Effects, Samples that are mixed live with melancholic melodies of Tango Punk. He is a self-managed music-theater and itinerant show. Born from the libertarian need to express injustices and social problems. Check out

Beside those performances, people will be able to write letters to Political prisoners in Europe. We will have a list of them and all material to do will be available.

After the shows: movies and/or documentaries related to the topic night will be screened in the movie room.

There will be a donation box, the benefits will be given to groups supporting anarchist prisoners.