23 December: Masha + Nadia Freed Within Hours of Each Other


The Guardian reports: Tolokonnikova shouted “Russia without Putin” after she was freed from a prison in the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk on Monday. Hours earlier, bandmate Maria Alyokhina was released from a different jail and dismissed the amnesty as a propaganda stunt.

The two women were granted amnesty last week, in what was largely viewed as the Kremlin’s attempt to head off criticism of Russia’s human rights record ahead of the Winter Olympics in Sochi in February. Three band members were jailed after being found guilty of hooliganism motivated by religious hatred and sentenced to two years in prison for a performance at Moscow’s main cathedral in March 2012. Continue reading

Switzerland: Yet another denial of parole for anarchist Marco Camenisch

From: Contrainfomarco-camenisch-2

From the prison of Lenzburg, Marco Camenisch informs us that he has been notified of yet another rejection of his conditional release, to which he should have had access long ago, as he has already served two thirds of the sentence imposed by the Swiss courts. We spread an excerpt from his letter: Continue reading

Global Noise Demo: New Year’s Eve 2013/2014

From: Anarchist newslawaaidemo51-700x426

Inside and Outside Prisons, Jails, & Detention Centers around the World

This event is inspired by the North American call out for a day of action against prisons in the New Year of 2010/2011, which happened again in 2011/2012 and again last year, & remains relevant unchanged:

Noise demos outside of prisons in some countries are a continuing tradition. A way of expressing solidarity for people imprisoned during the New Year, remembering those held captive by the state. A noise demo breaks the isolation and alienation of the cells our enemies create, but it does not have to stop at that. Continue reading

25-9: Schrijven naar Jock Palfreeman

Op 25 september is het weer de 4e woensdag van de maand en dus tijd voor een ABCJock front schrijfavond.

Deze schrijfavond zullen we schrijven naar Jock Palfreeman, een Australische jongen die als sinds 2007 in Bulgarije in de bak zit voor het beschermen van twee Roma jongens die werden aangevallen door racistische voetbalhooligans. Al jaren voert hij zelf, zijn familie, vrienden en allerlei steungroepen actie om onder andere zijn straf te verkorten en te zorgen dat hij de rest van zijn straf in Australië uit kan zitten.  English below Continue reading

Gabriel Pombo da Silva in prison transfer to Galicia (Spain)

Sourse: 325.nostate.net499277

Anarchist comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva has been transferred to the prison of A Lama in Galicia, Spanish State. It isn’t known yet what wing he is in, but details will follow. Write to Gabriel here:

Gabriel Pombo Da Silva
Centro Penitenciario de A Lama
Monte Racelo s/n, 36830
A Lama (Pontevedra)

Spain: Update on the situation of the 5 prisoners of Sabadell (Barcelona)

Source: Contrainfopresxs-kalle-1024x718

Last week, the 5 anarchists arrested in the province of Barcelona were dispersed to various prisons. Up to this point, they were held in the prison of Soto del Real (Madrid) under pre-trial detention due to “flight risk” and within the FIES3 isolation regime, as ordered by judge Pedraz, who is presiding over the case. Continue reading

Open Letter from Connor Stevens (Cleveland 4)

Taken from http://www.cleveland4solidarity.org.

open letter v.3.#madworld
May 2, 2013 9:24 AM
an open letter from an anarchist prisoner

May 1, 2013

It has been a year of nightmares, of renewed struggles, of rebirth and mass death. The passage of the seasons and the dreams that come with them revitalize the mysteries of time. One year since i was arrested, i write this letter in the interests of a few brief reflections. Continue reading

Autonomen Den Haag presenteert: Gevangenen schrijfavonden

Bron: Autonomen Den Haaggevangenschrijfavonda6

Vanaf 2 juli organiseert Autonomen Den Haag elke eerste dinsdag van de maand een gevangenen schrijfavond in het Autonoom Centrum Den Haag. Gezien de ontruiming van het iconische kraakpand Ubica, dat 21 jaar lang standhield in het hart van Utrecht, organiseren wij echter al op 11 juni de eerste schrijfavond voor de arrestanten van de Ubica. Continue reading