Solidarity with Karl Häggroth, imprisoned animalist comrade (Sweden)

arpsOur comrade Karl was sentenced with Ebba to prison for animal rights activities, send him all the support you can! You can also send him magazines and books! Karl is a strong anti-racist, anti-fascist, anti-capitalist, animal-rights warrior who did what he could to combat the disgusting fur industry in Sweden and other oppressions. Situation is tough for the prisoner so we urge people to send support. Postcards, letters, etc.

Karl Häggroth
Box 3
701 40 Örebro

New address for Ebba Olausson, animal liberation prisoner of war (Sweden)

ebba325 receives and transmits this info from the solidarity group:

Ebba Olausson was moved to this address in Örebro jail. Revolutionary greetings, bombs and fires to the system of oppressors, free the anarchist fighters now.

Ebba Olausson
Box 3
701 40 ÖREBRO

Previous info 1, 2, & 3.

23-4: Gevangenenschrijfavond voor Ebba

—English below—ebba

Op woensdag 23 april aanstaande is het weer tijd voor de gevangenenschrijfavond van Anarchist Black Cross Nijmegen en deze keer schrijven we naar Ebba Olausson uit Zweden. Ebba is een 22 jarige dierenrechtenactiviste die is veroordeeld tot 2 jaar en 6 maanden cel voor deelname aan acties die gericht waren tegen bontfokkers. Dus kom solidair een kaartje of brief schrijven! Continue reading

Solidarity to Ebba Olausson, imprisoned animal activist (Sweden)

arpsFrom: 325

Ebba Olausson is a 22 year old girl, who has been sentenced to 2 years and 6 months prison for animal rights actions directed against fur farming. Ebba was together with other activists in Sweden accused and sentenced for a series of actions for the liberation of animals. She must get all our support now. Please write her name up and her address and write that people should support her in the news, updates, etc. This is the struggle for animal liberation and these prisoners need our total solidarity! Continue reading