“Filaki” – Prison World: Film about the 2007 prison uprising – English subtitles + PDF (Greece)

panopticon1ABC Hurricane uploaded the Filaki – Prison World DVD about 2007 prison riots uprising in Greece.

PDF: Prison World – Filaki zine

Documentary from Greece about the prison society, its role in social control and the ongoing rebellion against it…

The film focuses on the prison uprisings against the political repression and social war against the comrades in Greece as well as the hunger strikes against the Type-F prisons in Turkey which soon spread to engulf many of the prisons in Greece. These prisons are similar to the Type-C prisons in Greece, the FIES in Spain, the CSC in the UK and other punitive isolation torture regimes around the world. Continue reading

Correspondence address for anarchist prisoner Nikos Maziotis (Greece)

Nikos-Maziotis-570From contra-info:

Here is the new address for comrade Nikos Maziotis:

Sending books to inmates is banned in Diavata prison, where Nikos Maziotis is currently incarcerated. So the comrade can only receive letters (at best some news reports too). It is obligatory to indicate a sender address, otherwise letters are not delivered.

To write to the comrade:

Nikos Maziotis
Geniko Katastima Kratisis Thessalonikis
57008 Diavata,

First Interview of Nikos Maziotis after his arrest (Greece)

members-of-revolutionary-struggleVia RHI-SRI:

Here is the first Interview of Nikos Maziotis after his arrest. Published in the Greek newspaper “Efimerida ton Sintaktion”

1. You are a member of Revolutionary Struggle, an armed anarchist organization. Why did you choose armed struggle as a method of action? Continue reading

Open letter of Revolutionary Struggle member Pola Roupa from clandestinity

members-of-revolutionary-struggleOn July 16th, 2014 the armed dogs of the establishment unleashed a fierce manhunt, and comrade Nikos Maziotis, member of the Revolutionary Struggle, was hit by a cop’s bullet and fell covered in blood. The comrade gave his battle against the cops that were chasing him. The state apparatus in its totality triumphed over the arrest of the “No 1 most-wanted fugitive” in the country. So did the criminal and real archi-terrorist Samaras, whose government took over the reins from the former pro-memorandum governments in a campaign for the biggest social genocide that has ever occurred in Greece in a time of “peace”. Samaras has used the arrest of Maziotis as a means to the stabilization of his faltering government, in order to support a political and economic regime with rotten foundations, which has long been discredited in social consciences. Continue reading

Revolutionary Struggle: Update on Nikos Maziotis

members-of-revolutionary-struggleFrom: 325

As you will know, on July 16 after a random check, Nikos Maziotis was arrested after a gunshot injury to his arm. From the very first moment, the bourgeois media attempted to present the comrade as a “social threat” and to devalue the political action of Revolutionary Struggle. In reality Nikos Maziotis defended his life and his freedom with gun in hand.

The media and the police tried to project a manufactured version of events where Nikos Maziotis was shooting indiscriminately endangering the lives of bystanders, which is far from reality. Immediately after, intense investigations and searches of comrades’ houses began and a manhunt was organized for Pola Roupa who escapes capture. Continue reading

Greece: Strength to anarchist Nikos Maziotis, arrested in Athens on 16/7

in-solidarity-with-anarchist-Nikos-Maziotis-1024x768From: Contrainfo

In the evening of July 16th, 2014 comrades put up a solidarity banner at the gate of the Polytechnic School, on Patission Street, in response to the fact that Revolutionary Struggle member Nikos Maziotis was recaptured by police in central Athens.

Anarchist Nikos Maziotis, who was on the run for two years, was seriously wounded and arrested earlier today after a shootout with cops in Monastiraki. He was then transferred to the tightly-guarded Evangelismos hospital, where he remains hospitalized. According to his lawyer, the comrade’s life is out of danger. Continue reading

Greece: Update regarding the monstrous bill on maximum security prisons

jumping-overFrom: Contrainfo

After some modifications to the draft bill on maximum security prisons, the recess section of the Greek Parliament is now prepared to vote on this new law on Monday, July 7th. Perhaps it will take another summer session for the final voting, but their plan is to pass the bill no matter what… A protest gathering, supported also by anarchists, against the passage of the ‘prison reform bill’ will take place on Monday 7/7, at 18:00 in Syntagma Square, Athens. Continue reading

Greece prisoner hunger strike – Fourth day (26/6)

assembly-of-anarchists-larissa-25.6-1024x576From: Contrainfo

Draft bill on new Type-C maximum security prisons will be put to a vote within a week. The Greek parliament is in summer recess; the recess section (consisting of one third of the total number of MPs) is scheduled to vote the bill on Thursday the 3rd of July 2014.

Below are the hunger strikers (per prison) who continue to participate in the nationwide mobilization against the operation of a Greek Guantanamo in Domokos prison: Continue reading

Spanningen in Griekse Gevangenissen

X-Greek-PrisonsDatum: 29-3-2014
Bron: LibCom.org
Vertaling: Tommy Ryan

Ten midden van verslechterende omstandigheden en harde maatregelen is de woede deze week overgekookt waarbij een gevangenisbewaarder en een gevangene werden vermoord in de gevagenis in Malandrino, Griekenland.

De spanningen lopen hoog op in het Griekse gevangenissysteem na de dood van een gevangenisbewaker en de gevangene die hem vermoordde.
Eerder deze week werd Llia Kareli, vermoordde een 42-jarige gevangene gevangenisbewaarder Yiorgos Tsiranis in de gevangenis in Malandrino. Kareli, die een lange gevangenisstraf uit zat, had een verzoek ingediend zijn stervende moeder te bezoeken. Dit werd hem ontzegd. Met een scherp voorwerp heeft hij Tsiranis neergestoken die ter plaatse overleed. Kareli werd overgeplaatst naar de Nigrita gevangenis en werd daar in een isoleercel gehouden ter observatie. In deze cel is het later dood teruggevonden. Er is een onderzoek onderweg naar de doodsoorzaak maar het rapport van de lijkschouwer laat zien dat Kareli hevige verwondingen had die overeen lijken te komen met marteling van voor zijn dood. Continue reading

Christmas Card writing to prisoners

This Saturday the 21st, Anarchist Black Cross Nijmegen christmas card

is hosting a writing afternoon from 12 till 18 in daycafe De Klinker..we will focus on Spyros Stratoulis that day but there will be lists ready for yall with as much addresses of prisoners we can prodvide.

So pass by and write someone a nice card while discussing how to overthrow this system with your friends…that would be a great christmas gift right?

In solidarity with the wave hunger strikes in Greek prisons, we are going to write to the person who is the inspiration and reason for this.

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