International solidarity call for Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet and the people of Kobanê (Kurdistan)

2325040_1412705040-9188For more than a year, thousands of volunteer fighters have been defending the autonomous revolution of Rojava (in Northern Syria) from the Islamic State (ISIS).

Since this past July the North Syrian city of Kobanê, in the central canton of the Autonomous territory of Rojava, has been under siege by ISIS. ISIS fighters, armed with modern U.S. manufactured tanks, artillery, and small arms have been held at bay by volunteer fighters affiliated with the militias of the Kurdish People’s
Protection Units (YPG) armed with dated small arms and improvised weapons. Continue reading

Kevin & Tyler indicted on federal charges

From: supportkevinandtyler

First, let’s acknowledge the timing of this event: We’re well aware that arresting Tyler Lang on an indictment of federal charges was coordinated to coincide with the annual National Animal Rights Conference and the Fight or Flight Tour fundraiser. It was the FBI’s blatant and clumsy attempt to scare activists, create divisiveness, and deter Tyler and others from the above-ground activism they practice. But word of the incident spread quickly—not only among attendees at the LA conference, but throughout the country’s network of animal advocates—and one thing is resoundingly clear: we’re angry, but we’re not shaken.KevinTyler1-300x300

Last summer, ten fur farms were raided in ten weeks, resulting in more than 10,000 mink, foxes, and even a rare bobcat being freed from certain death at the hands of fur farmers. And since the beginning of the government’s resulting witch Continue reading

Free Marius Jacob Mason

mariusFrom: Freemariusmason

We would like to let everyone know that Marius Jacob Mason will no longer be using the name Marie, and will be using male pronouns. We hope that you will all join us in supporting Marius through this transition, which will no doubt be extra challenging within the prison system. Until his name is legally changed, any mail sent to Marius in prison will still need to be addressed to ‘Marie Mason’ on the envelope. This goes for donations also. Please write to Marius at this time! Receiving supportive and friendly mail makes a world of difference. Below is a statement read out by Moira Meltzer-Cohen, one of Marius’ legal representatives, at a solidarity event organized by New York City ABC recently.

“My name is Moira Meltzer-Cohen. I’m an attorney working with a person of immense courage and integrity, someone who struggles for liberation and self-determination on behalf of other people, non-human animals, and life on Earth itself. This is someone whose courage and integrity are made even more salient by the fact that their own liberation and their own autonomy have long been severely circumscribed. Continue reading

Ebba-Olausson-1024x1024From: Walter bond

Ebba Olausson is a young Vegan Straight Edge woman that is currently under arrest in Skovde, Sweden, suspected for over twenty different attacks on fur farms and the fur industry as well as liberations of minks.  Ebba has tried to write me but I was not allowed her letter by the prison in which I am currently entombed.  Nor am I able to write to her since I am not allowed to write prisoners. Continue reading

January 22nd… Writing night to Marie Mason

On the 22nd ofmarie mason copy January we will spend the whole evening writing birthday cards to Marie Mason, on the 26th of januari she will turn 52.

Marie Mason is a loving mother of two and a long-time activist in the environmental and labor movements. In March 2008, she was arrested by federal authorities for charges related to two acts of property destruction that occurred in 1999 and 2000 – damaging an office connected to GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) research, and destroying a piece of logging equipment. No one was injured in either act. She faced a life sentence before accepting a plea bargain in September 2008.

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December 3 and 17; Benefit diners for Anarchist Black Cross Mexico

Van ABC-Amsterdam

Support Political Prisoners in Mexico!

It has been 8 years since the federal government of the Mexican state Jalisco brutally detained and tortured many protesters who mobilized against the summit of the heads of state from Latin America countries, the Caribbean and European Union. Continue reading