In actie rond hoger beroep Joke Kaviaar – solidariteit tegen repressie, solidariteit voor migratievrijheid

revolution__pen_hand2Bron: steungroep 13 september

Over drie weken, namelijk donderdag 15 mei, dient het hoger beroep in de rechtszaak tegen Joke Kaviaar. Zij is op 22 januari 2013 tot vier maanden cel veroordeeld wegens het publiceren van vier teksten die het Openbaar Ministerie beschouwt als opruiend. In de teksten nam zij fel stelling tegen de vervolging, opsluiting en deportatie van vluchtelingen en migranten zonder verblijfspapieren, tegen het onderdrukkende migratiebeleid van de Nederlandse staat.

Met de veroordeling treft de staat allen die op willen staan tegen onrecht, zich krachtig uit willen spreken en tot verzet willen oproepen. De staat valt zo de strijd voor vrijheid van migratie zelf aan. Dit mag niet onweersproken blijven. Continue reading

Toronto G20 prisoners update (Kanada)

2010624-g20-riots-1a-300x198From: 325

Here are some updates about Kevin, Rick, and Joel, three Americans serving time in Canada for Toronto G20 convictions. Please note their current addresses (they have moved since the last update), writing letters is a great way to make sure incarcerated comrades feel connected.

Joel Bitar

On February 13th Joel plead guilty to 12 counts of mischief over $5000 (originally facing 26 counts) and was sentenced to 20 months. He is keeping up a blog while he is inside: You can read his statement to the court here. His current address is: Continue reading

Rome: Presentation of a new Anarchist Black Cross newsletter at the Bencivenga squat (Italy)

stillnotlovingprisonwebIntroductory note by RadioAzione, via Actforfree:

I receive and transmit the editorial of the Anarchist Black Cross newsletter, which will be presented on 25th April at the Bencivenga Squat in Rome. Besides spreading letters from prisoners and claims of attacks, counter-information should propose analysis, be it from the internet or on paper. I’m sorry I don’t agree with some passages of this editorial, when the comrades probably talk without having a direct experience of counter-information via web. Most importantly, there exist no virtual worlds but comrades who meet in person and organize initiatives all over the world. But I’m happy about this new Anarchist Black Cross bulletin, especially as there’s always the need of analysis on paper: Continue reading

Two belated letters from Mario ‘Tripa’ Lopez, who has gone underground (Mexico)

fuerzatripaFirst Public Letter

You are waiting for the revolution! Very well! My own began along time ago! When you are ready — God, what an endless wait! — it won’t nauseate me to go along the road awhile with you! But when you stop, I will continue on my mad and triumphant march toward the great and sublime conquest of Nothing! Every society you build will have its fringes, and on the fringes of every society, heroic and restless vagabonds will wander, with their wild and virgin thoughts, only able to live by preparing ever new and terrible outbreaks of rebellion!
I shall be among them!
Continue reading

New address for Ebba Olausson, animal liberation prisoner of war (Sweden)

ebba325 receives and transmits this info from the solidarity group:

Ebba Olausson was moved to this address in Örebro jail. Revolutionary greetings, bombs and fires to the system of oppressors, free the anarchist fighters now.

Ebba Olausson
Box 3
701 40 ÖREBRO

Previous info 1, 2, & 3.

Spanningen in Griekse Gevangenissen

X-Greek-PrisonsDatum: 29-3-2014
Vertaling: Tommy Ryan

Ten midden van verslechterende omstandigheden en harde maatregelen is de woede deze week overgekookt waarbij een gevangenisbewaarder en een gevangene werden vermoord in de gevagenis in Malandrino, Griekenland.

De spanningen lopen hoog op in het Griekse gevangenissysteem na de dood van een gevangenisbewaker en de gevangene die hem vermoordde.
Eerder deze week werd Llia Kareli, vermoordde een 42-jarige gevangene gevangenisbewaarder Yiorgos Tsiranis in de gevangenis in Malandrino. Kareli, die een lange gevangenisstraf uit zat, had een verzoek ingediend zijn stervende moeder te bezoeken. Dit werd hem ontzegd. Met een scherp voorwerp heeft hij Tsiranis neergestoken die ter plaatse overleed. Kareli werd overgeplaatst naar de Nigrita gevangenis en werd daar in een isoleercel gehouden ter observatie. In deze cel is het later dood teruggevonden. Er is een onderzoek onderweg naar de doodsoorzaak maar het rapport van de lijkschouwer laat zien dat Kareli hevige verwondingen had die overeen lijken te komen met marteling van voor zijn dood. Continue reading

Debbie Vincent Sentenced to 6 Years In Prison

debbie_2860235bToday Debbie Vincent, an animal rights activist from the Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC) campaign was sentenced to six years in prison for conspiracy to blackmail after a five week long trial at Winchester Crown Court. She was also given an Anti Social Behaviour Order which means she can be arrested if she protests against or contacts Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) or its business partners for a further five years after her release from prison.

The sentence should serve as a wake up call to anti-capitalists of the need to offer solidarity to those who have been singled out for repression because of their involvement in effective resistance to corporate power. Continue reading

Spain: Update on the situation of anarchists comrades Mónica and Francisco

From: Actforfreedomfrancisco-and-monica

Today, Saturday April 12, after passing through several prisons (Madrid, Burgo, Cantabria) throughout the week, our compañero arrived in Asturias, where they abruptly decided to transfer him.

Several weeks ago, we communicated through various media that Fransisco was in a pretty bad situation due to isolation. Although the situation has changed, surely due to pressure from outside, he remains in a punishment wing, separated from the rest of the “political” prisoners, although in a relatively better situation and they have allowed him, after many months, telephone calls with friends, since the prison’s warden had only allowed calls with family members. Continue reading

Mexico, 5E: Update on the beginning of the trial

banda5eFrom: Actforfreedom

April 3 and 4 were the dates indicated as the start of the trial for Amelie, Fallon and Carlos, arrested on Jan. 5. For the first hearing, on April 3, the police officers who made the arrest were summoned to testify so to start the presentation of evidence. However, at 11am, the appointed time, no cops showed up, suspending the hearing. On April 4 only one of the summoned expert witnesses was present. New dates for the hearings were set for April 28 and 29.

During the night of April 3 Carlos was moved to the general prison population area. The compañerxs could be seen through the cracks in the railing.The no-show of testifying cops and experts is a strategy of delaying the judicial proceedings which have already been used before in trials against other compañerxs. It is a way to try to erode solidarity. Therefore, we call to continue solidarity with all compañerxs kidnapped by the Mexican government in its prisons. Continue reading

23-4: Gevangenenschrijfavond voor Ebba

—English below—ebba

Op woensdag 23 april aanstaande is het weer tijd voor de gevangenenschrijfavond van Anarchist Black Cross Nijmegen en deze keer schrijven we naar Ebba Olausson uit Zweden. Ebba is een 22 jarige dierenrechtenactiviste die is veroordeeld tot 2 jaar en 6 maanden cel voor deelname aan acties die gericht waren tegen bontfokkers. Dus kom solidair een kaartje of brief schrijven! Continue reading