Announcing the Launch of “After Prison” Zine & Website Project


“After Prison” is a zine and website project aimed at sharing the voices of former earth and animal defense prisoners. This project hopes to help build an understanding of what life after prison can entail, so that individuals and communities can help create healthier environments for prisoners to return home to. It also provides an opportunity for former and current prisoners – whom often have restrictions on who they can communicate with – to connect with the experiences of others. Continue reading

Never Alone Eco-Prisoner Support Exhibition


The second annual Never Alone online art auction launches today, June 11, the International Day of Solidarity with Marie Mason, Eric McDavid and all Eco-prisoners. Marie and Eric are two environmental and social justice activists who are both serving near 20 year sentences for their involvement in environmental struggle in the United States. All artworks will be exhibited and available for online purchase until June 30. Funds raised will be used to support Marie, Eric and other eco-prisoners’ needs.

There are 24 artists involved this year, including a number of prisoners who have contributed artworks from behind prison walls. All of the artworks focus on themes of wilderness, liberation, state captivity and our relationship with the natural world and other animals. Continue reading

Update on anarchist comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva (Spain)

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On 13th June 13 2012, among the many police operations against anarchists, the Italian government launched a repressive attack called ‘Operation Ardire’ on a dozen comrades. There were 40 raids, 24 people under investigation and 8 comrades sent to jail. In this case they tried to give a wider form to the operation, by accusing comrades imprisoned in different European countries such as Greece, Switzerland and Germany.

As usual, the State showed its authoritarian face against its sworn enemies, and fabricated roles of leaders, agents and organizers within yet another ‘terrorist association’, when in fact there were affinities, letter exchanges with prisoners, struggles and claims. Continue reading

Ebba-Olausson-1024x1024From: Walter bond

Ebba Olausson is a young Vegan Straight Edge woman that is currently under arrest in Skovde, Sweden, suspected for over twenty different attacks on fur farms and the fur industry as well as liberations of minks.  Ebba has tried to write me but I was not allowed her letter by the prison in which I am currently entombed.  Nor am I able to write to her since I am not allowed to write prisoners. Continue reading

Switzerland: Update about anarchist prisoner Marco Camenisch

marco-camenisch-2Since the 15th or the 16th of May, Marco Camenisch has been held in solitary confinement for five days in the prison of Lenzburg, Switzerland, because he refused to give a urine sample.

On the 23rd of May 2014 he will be transferred to the Bostadel penal institution. Whether his transfer was ordered because he once again refused to give a urine sample or it was planned beforehand, is (still) not clear to us.

Continue reading

ABC-Moscow: Repressions summary for March-April 2014 (Russia)

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We continue to publish news about repressions against anarchists, antifascists and social activists and about the obstacles we face from the side of police state. In February, March and April issue you can read about Maidan ghost, letters from the prisons and senseless trials. If you recognize that we’ve missed anything or you are informed about other cases of repressions, let us know by writing to address abc-msk <>

For costs of all the listed cases, besides indicated internet purses, you may donate money via ABC-Moscow. Check: Continue reading

Towards the trial against Gianluca and Adriano on 26 May in Rome (Italy)

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Gianluca and Adriano, anarchists, were arrested 19 September 2013.

The operation was co-ordinated by the deputy prosecutor Giancarlo Capaldo of the anti-terrorism unit and the general commander of Mario Parente Ros, and considered the anarchists authors of a number of various kinds of damages that occurred in the province of Rome : Thirteen acts of sabotage committed against some banks, a fur shop, and branch offices of ENI and ENEL (energy companies) and the Roncigliano landfill. Continue reading

Mexico City: New charges against anarchists Amélie, Fallon and Carlos, imprisoned since January 5th, 2014 (Mexico)

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On the morning of May 16th, comrades Amélie and Fallon were notified that they would be taken to the Reclusorio Sur (Mexico City’s Southern Penitentiary) to testify on new charges under federal order.

At around 8am, both were transferred to the court, where they met comrade Carlos.

After waiting almost all morning, they were finally informed that an arrest warrant was executed for the offense of damage to others’ property, in the form of “arson in a building with some person inside.” The three comrades did not make a statement, and once the hearing was over, they were brought back to the prisons where they’re being held since February 2014 (Carlos to the Reclusorio Oriente, Amélie and Fallon to Santa Martha), after having spent 40 days in federal custody through the arraignment procedure. Continue reading

Laatste woord Joke Kaviaar

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De zitting in hoger beroep in de strafzaak tegen schrijfster en activiste Joke Kaviaar is afgelopen. De eis van het Openbaar Ministerie is net als in eerste aanleg zes maanden gevangenisstraf; het vonnis was toen vier maanden. De uitspraak in het hoger beroep is woensdag 28 mei om 13.30 uur.

Hieronder het laatste woord dat Joke heeft voorgelezen:

Werk niet mee aan tirannie, maar werk mee aan bevrijding!

In mijn laatste woord bij de Haarlemse rechtbank op 8 januari 2013 besloot ik met te zeggen dat de strijd die gevoerd moet worden belangrijker is dan dit politieke proces. Dit proces is belangrijk voor het OM, dat, nog verder dan reeds het geval is, de vrijheid van meningsuiting wil inperken voor mensen die hun woorden en daden tegen de overheid inzetten en niet, zoals men het liever ziet, tegen elkaar. Een politiek proces is het inderdaad, want het heeft een politiek doel: het uitwieden van kiemen van verzet. Continue reading

Vrijheid voor Joel! – Antifascisme is zelfverdediging

Freedom for Joel!Zaterdag 14 december 2013 word in Kärrtorp, een voorstad van Stockholm, een antiracistische demonstratie door ongeveer 30 nazi’s van het Svensk Motståndsrörelse (Zweedse Verzetsbeweging, SMR) aangevallen met stenen, knuppels, flessen, messen en vuurwerk. De demonstratie richtte zich tegen Nazi-graffiti die al langere tijd in Kärrtrop in het straatbeeld zichtbaar was. Joel en andere antifascisten verdedigden zich tegen deze nazi-aanval. Continue reading