Solidarity Evening for Anarchist Prisoners

IMG_0From: Indymedia

Support night for Political Prisoners, contribution to the Week for Anarchist Prisoners

This night will feature different activities related to Anarchist Prisoners’ support. They will be an Eetcafe from 7pm. Around the same time, Miraho, a hip hop Antifascist Polish singer will sing some of his songs. Check out
The artist Protestango will as well perform during the night: he makes monologues, Rap, Beats, Vocal Effects, Samples that are mixed live with melancholic melodies of Tango Punk. He is a self-managed music-theater and itinerant show. Born from the libertarian need to express injustices and social problems. Check out Continue reading

Correspondence address for anarchist prisoner Nikos Maziotis (Greece)

Nikos-Maziotis-570From contra-info:

Here is the new address for comrade Nikos Maziotis:

Sending books to inmates is banned in Diavata prison, where Nikos Maziotis is currently incarcerated. So the comrade can only receive letters (at best some news reports too). It is obligatory to indicate a sender address, otherwise letters are not delivered.

To write to the comrade:

Nikos Maziotis
Geniko Katastima Kratisis Thessalonikis
57008 Diavata,

International prisoner solidarity address listings compiled by ABC Brighton (UK)

ABC Brighton have put together a list of anarchist prisoners from around the world, if you notice any errors or prisoners missing, contact them:

Get your pens out and send a letter or a postcard to a prisoner today. Here’s a great writing guide from ABC Leeds. Can’t jail the spirit – keep fighting – keep writing!

August 23-30, 2014 – International Solidarity Week for Anarchist Prisoners – Call out for action and resistance

From: 325august-1024x719


In summer 2013 members of several ABC groups discussed the necessity of introducing an International Day for Anarchist Prisoners. Given there are already established dates for Political Prisoners Rights Day or Prison Justice Day, we found it important to emphasise the stories of our comrades as well. Many imprisoned anarchists will never be acknowledged as ‘political prisoners’ by formal human-rights organisations, because their sense of social justice is strictly limited to the capitalist laws which are designed to defend the State and prevent any real social change. At the same time, even within our individual communities, we know so little about the repression that exists in other countries, to say nothing of the names and cases involving many of our incarcerated comrades.

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Call for an international week of solidarity with anarchists in Mexico facing repression (March 17-24, 2014)

From: 325fuerzatripa

This is a call for international solidarity with anarchists in Mexico facing repression, whether they are stuck behind the iron bars of prison cells or hiding out for their freedom.

The state of Mexico has turned its attention to the blossoming anarchist space that has been actively attacking the state’s defense apparatus, the very foundation upon which it stands. Now is the best time to draw inspiration from the anarchist space in Mexico, and to show some love to our imprisoned comrades. The history of Mexico is very rich, and cannot be summed up in a text such as this. What can be mentioned, however, are the efforts that have been made to live in conflict with the state. Continue reading