Mexicaanse gevangenen kondigen hongerstaking in solidariteit aan

Tijdens een persconferentie op 28 september hebben anarchistische gevangenen het begin van een hongerstaking aangekondigd. Het gaat om de kameraden Fernando Barcenas en Abraham Cortés, gevangenen in ‘North Prison’, Luis Fernando Sotelo, gevangene in “South Prison” in Mexico City, en Miguel Peralta, gevangene in “Cuicatlan Prison” in Oaxaca. De hongerstaking is gericht tegen de straf van 33 jaar en 5 maanden die Luis Fernando Sotelo gekregen heeft, om de derde ‘verjaardag’ te vieren sinds de arrestatie van kameraad Abraham Cortés op 2 oktober 2013 en in solidariteit met de staking van gevangenen in de US, tegen de uitbuiting van gevangenen en in solidariteit met de opstanden als reactie op de vermoorde Afrikaanse Amerikanen door de politie in de US.

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Bijgevoegd is een statement (Engelstalig) ondertekend door Fernando Barcenas en Abraham Cortés.

September 28

To the rebel compañerxs

To the peoples and communities in war

To the freed slaves

To those who identify with these sentiments and words…

Today we declare an indefinite hunger strike for total liberation as an act of self-determination, of incitement to widespread revolt. Because we can no longer continue simply going along day by day with the genocide of our communities and peoples.

There is a hidden reality in this society; democracy is a coup d’état that rules not with tanks but TV cameras and reporters’ microphones, democracy governs through the power of its propaganda and we therefore argue that democracy is the art and science that power uses in order to not be perceived as oppression, capitalism is the boss and democracy is its press secretary.

And because of that we are not addressing the media, nor the dominant classes, we’re addressing and speaking to our compañerxs in this immense prison called earth, who like us are also the children of war simply for the fact of being born disinherited.

But these words are not intended to manipulate their rebellious efforts and much less to unify them under any kind of banner; but rather to open a line of communication, a space in tune with the struggles and with all the responses and acts of self-determination that may emerge anywhere…

In our understanding and from our perspective, where authority exists, prisons exist, and that is why prisons are much more than just a physical structure imposed on us through images of walls and barbed-wire fences. Prison, as we understand it, is constituted by society as a whole, while physical prisons are only concrete expressions of the social isolation that sustains and legitimizes power.

Urbanization (for instance) is the same representation of mass incarceration or what is equal to the fortification of urban space, accompanied by the extermination of the most marginalized popular classes and presents itself today as an integral part of the latest geohistorical phase of techno-industrial capitalism. (The latest restructuring effort of this crisis stage where the only way to maintain domination is through war.)

We can no longer believe in their lies because their “wonderful world” doesn’t exist in our midst; they call us criminals just as they called the old inhabitants of the Americas savages and thus justified their genocide; what happens daily in our neighborhoods is a colonial war that seeks to assuage the revolutionary fervor of our people with dirty tactics such as inundating us with drugs and weapons and its subsequent result of bringing more occupation troops into our neighborhoods and communities. All of this is directly connected with the increase in poverty and lack of education and healthcare in the most marginalized communities and neighborhoods. This results in an increased crime rate that justifies repression from the state’s political-military apparatus and prison becomes a monument to the slaughter, the social garbage dump into which those who displease or bother the capitalist system are thrown…

Yet, there are currently 226,000 prisoners in the country, and though the prisons are overcrowded the crime rate doesn’t drop, but on the contrary, it increases or remains stable. Therefore, the problem is not found in the 226,000 people in prison, but in the techno-industrial society that needs to justify the slaughter.

Prison is a business that legitimizes the war on the poor and protects extermination and a society based on capitalist accumulation.

And what is the pretext for the covert interventions? That neighborhoods are devastated by crime, assaults, robberies, killings, and disturbances, “the streets are not safe”, so the mayors and city councils agree with the residents calling for “more protection”, without bothering to analyze the backdrop of this dirty war.

Of course it’s true that those who have fallen victim to drugs are responsible for the crimes happening in their neighborhoods, it is something that can’t be denied. But before we jump in desperation screaming and asking for “more police protection”, better we remember who imposed this plague in our neighborhoods and communities. It would be better to remember who ultimately benefits from the addiction of people to drugs, it would be better to remember that the police are occupation troops sent to our communities by the dominant class, not to protect the lives of poor people, but rather to protect the interests and private property of the capitalists.

The police, politicians and big businesspeople are delighted that working-class youth are victims of this plague, and for two reasons, the first being that drug trafficking is economically profitable and the second is that while they keep our youth on the corners jonesing for a hit, they won’t have to worry about us launching an effective liberation struggle.

The police can’t solve the problem because they are part of the problem, nor can the system’s institutions solve the social, economic and political problems of the people because they are the ones who create and feed them. The “war on drugs” is nothing more than a counter-revolutionary doctrine charged with maintaining and strengthening the domination, exploitation and imprisonment of the most oppressed classes of the proletariat.

We are the only ones capable of eradicating the plague from our communities and so, instead of collaborating with this sick and decadent society we’ve decided to live on the margins of it in order to build a world with our own hands. This requires the revolutionary organization of the people.

Liberate a space, squat, arm yourself and take care of yours.

The more these actions happen in a haphazard and disordered way, without any center, but rather becoming thousands of centers, each one self-determined, then it will be much less susceptible to formalization and recuperation by the technological system.

We live in a technological era in which capitalism has restructured itself through applying technology to the system of social control and all of that has changed the world in a substantial way.

A virtual reality of fictitious needs has been imposed, and the interests of the proletariat have been broken into thousands of pieces, lost in the meanderings of virtual reality. Democracy itself is a virtual reality just like all the others.

It’s clear that a system like this cannot be defended except by transforming the very people who live in its territory into the police of the system. No repressive apparatus would be capable of safeguarding such a system.

And that’s why the state/modern-technological capital can only be destroyed in its territory through the widespread rise of insurrection.

The answer then doesn’t happen within theories, but concretely in the demands and needs of those excluded by the system, the insubordinate, ultimately, the socially lynched who are the natural result of a society divided between the privileged on one side and the subjugated on the other.

Rebellion is also a natural event that wasn’t discovered by anarchists or any other revolutionary.

But this rebellion is not immediately traced back to the old “revolutionary” programs and manuals, the rebellion of our days is unsettled, disorderly, an end in itself.

For us, as social rebels, insurgency is a total rejection of ideologies looking to be a fundamental part of the system that oppresses us.

Equipped with this method based in the practice of direct action, in permanent conflict and in the self-organization of struggles, without the acceptance of moderators, endless possibilities open up for insurrection to flow.

From this perspective it is clear that anarchism is not an ideology but a concrete way of opposing the existent and for its definitive and total destruction.

We are for permanent revolt, for widespread insurrection; it is the only way to make it impossible for centralized power to appear.

We issue this war cry, a way to defend the struggle of the prisoners in the United State and at the same time we are in solidarity with the African-American compas who, like us, live in the genocide of drugs.

Solidarity with rebel peoples and communities.

Total solidarity with our compañero Luis Fernando Sotelo Zambrano.

For total liberation! For the destruction of the prison society!

Three years since the imprisonment of Abraham Cortés Ávila, October 2, 2013.

Fernando Bárcenas.

Abraham Cortés Ávila.”

Update on the health situation of the 4 anarchist comrades on hunger strike (Mexico)

“If you asked me what prison is, I would answer without a doubt that it is a wasteland of defined social-economic plans, where they throw all those individuals that bother them within society: this is why prison mainly houses mainly poor people” Xose Tarrio

“A movement that forgets its hostages is condemned to fail” Harold Tobson

As of October 1st, comrades Mario Gonzalez, Carlos Lopez ‘El Chivo’, Fernando Barcenas and Abraham Cortez, imprisoned in different prisons in Mexico City, are carrying out a hunger strike indefinitely. Continue reading

Mexico City: New charges against anarchists Amélie, Fallon and Carlos, imprisoned since January 5th, 2014 (Mexico)

banda5eFrom: 325

On the morning of May 16th, comrades Amélie and Fallon were notified that they would be taken to the Reclusorio Sur (Mexico City’s Southern Penitentiary) to testify on new charges under federal order.

At around 8am, both were transferred to the court, where they met comrade Carlos.

After waiting almost all morning, they were finally informed that an arrest warrant was executed for the offense of damage to others’ property, in the form of “arson in a building with some person inside.” The three comrades did not make a statement, and once the hearing was over, they were brought back to the prisons where they’re being held since February 2014 (Carlos to the Reclusorio Oriente, Amélie and Fallon to Santa Martha), after having spent 40 days in federal custody through the arraignment procedure. Continue reading

Two belated letters from Mario ‘Tripa’ Lopez, who has gone underground (Mexico)

fuerzatripaFirst Public Letter

You are waiting for the revolution! Very well! My own began along time ago! When you are ready — God, what an endless wait! — it won’t nauseate me to go along the road awhile with you! But when you stop, I will continue on my mad and triumphant march toward the great and sublime conquest of Nothing! Every society you build will have its fringes, and on the fringes of every society, heroic and restless vagabonds will wander, with their wild and virgin thoughts, only able to live by preparing ever new and terrible outbreaks of rebellion!
I shall be among them!
Continue reading

Mexico, 5E: Update on the beginning of the trial

banda5eFrom: Actforfreedom

April 3 and 4 were the dates indicated as the start of the trial for Amelie, Fallon and Carlos, arrested on Jan. 5. For the first hearing, on April 3, the police officers who made the arrest were summoned to testify so to start the presentation of evidence. However, at 11am, the appointed time, no cops showed up, suspending the hearing. On April 4 only one of the summoned expert witnesses was present. New dates for the hearings were set for April 28 and 29.

During the night of April 3 Carlos was moved to the general prison population area. The compañerxs could be seen through the cracks in the railing.The no-show of testifying cops and experts is a strategy of delaying the judicial proceedings which have already been used before in trials against other compañerxs. It is a way to try to erode solidarity. Therefore, we call to continue solidarity with all compañerxs kidnapped by the Mexican government in its prisons. Continue reading

Solidarity zine in English with letters and communiqués about Amélie, Fallon, and Carlos (the 5E3 anarchist prisoners in Mexico City)

damn-rulesFrom: Contrainfo

Click here for PDF.

(…) Perhaps the words of Fallon, Amélie, and Carlos will inspire you to build friendships based on trust and affinity, to have each others’ backs, and to translate your own rage against the world of prisons and police and borders into actions. As Carlos “El Chivo” wrote, “I know that anarchist solidarity is strong like an oak tree, and that always goes farther than simple words.” And as anarchists everywhere never cease to remind us: it’s easy to attack.

Somewhere between Mexico City and Montréal, March 2014.

Letter from Fallon, an anarchist imprisoned for attacks with molotovs (Mexico)

From: 325

I want to begin this letter with a huge hug for all the compxs who are on the run, all those who are fighting for their liberty, and all those who are locked up and for whom this world of domination is trying to quell their rage. There is no cell, no wall, no authority to whom I give enough power to quiet my rage and my desire for liberty. I’ve had these feelings since I was a little one and now, in my heart and my head, they are stronger than ever, and there isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t think of you guys, my friends. I can imagine, and they tell me as well, that the situation outside is very precarious. This doesn’t surprise me, as us deciding to be in conflict comes with repression. Continue reading

Mexico, 5E: Update on next trial dates and Carlos’ situation

From: ABC-Mexicobanda5e

A few weeks have passed from he last time we updated the case of the anarchists detained on the 5th of January (5E). Here’s the update:

Once the Attorney General of the Republic couldn’t find sufficient evidence to keep the charges of terrorism and organized delinquency against the three, they were assigned to the Mexico City Attorney General and accused of property destruction and attacks on the public peace. Continue reading

Mexico City: Prison addresses of anarchists Amélie, Fallon and Carlos, incarcerated since the 5th of January 2014

banda5eFrom: Contrainfo

You may send solidarity letters to Amélie, Fallon and Carlos at the following addresses.

Amélie Trudeau / Fallon Rouiller
Centro Femenil de Reinserción Social Santa Martha Acatitla
Calzada Ermita, Iztapalapa No 4037, Colonia Santa Martha Acatitla
Delegación Iztapalapa, C.P. 09560, Ciudad de México, D.F.
México Continue reading

5E: Letter from Amélie (Mexico)

February 23, Santa Martha prison, Mexico DF

On the evening of January 5, I was arrested with my comrades Fallon and Carlos for allegedly attacking the office of the Federal Secretary of Communications and Transportation of Mexico, and also a Nissan dealership. Windows were broken and molotov cocktails were thrown inside the ministry, (according to what the evidence says) and inside the new cars of the dealership. Damages are evaluated to more than 70 000 pesos at the ministry and 100 000 pesos at Nissan. Continue reading