Anarchist Black Cross Nijmegen

Anarchist Black Cross Nijmegen

Tattoo Circus Amsterdam – 15 & 16 Oktober

The Tattoo Circus is a DIY organized festival against repression and imprisonment. The Tattoo Circus began 2007 in Rome and since then activists from all around Europe (Barcelona, London, Thessaloniki, Bern, Athens, Madrid, Basel, Berlin… etc) took on the concept for supporting those people who can’t be among us. We are happy that this event will take place in Amsterdam as well and are sure it´s going to be an inspiring festival.

The idea behind this solidarity event is to create a space where tattoo culture and political involvement come together. Several tattoo artists will provide their creativity, experience and as much ink as possible, in order to support the anti-prison struggle and to become a part of it. The principle of the Tattoo Circus is that nobody earns anything from this event, neither the tattooists, nor the piercers, the bands, performers or speakers, and the complete proceeds will go to those people who fight against the state and capitalism.

Every euro collected in Tattoo Circus goes directly to structures supporting prisoners and the Anti-Prison-Fight. Tattoo Circus won’t limit itself to the tattoo culture, therefore, a rich program is being prepared. It will include lectures, workshops, readings, info about prisoners, movies and so forth. We’ll also have an evening program with concerts, and there will be food and drinks.

As opposed to some established conventions, Tattoo Circus takes place in a non-competitive, non-commercial an non-hierarchical atmosphere and entrance is free for everyone.

We invite you to join, help and enrich this project. The full program will be published shortly.

Solidarity is a weapon. Until every prison is empty. For a society without prisons and repression!



Ebba-Olausson-1024x1024From: Walter bond

Ebba Olausson is a young Vegan Straight Edge woman that is currently under arrest in Skovde, Sweden, suspected for over twenty different attacks on fur farms and the fur industry as well as liberations of minks.  Ebba has tried to write me but I was not allowed her letter by the prison in which I am currently entombed.  Nor am I able to write to her since I am not allowed to write prisoners. Continue reading

Stone by stone: Information and discussion on (the privatization of) Prisons in the Netherlands

tumblr_mfzd6byQ6P1r4vpxio4_500When: 27 May

Where: De Klinker, Van Broeckhuysenstraat 46, Nijmegen

Time: 21:00


It’s time to share information and ideas about the recent developments in the Dutch prison system en the necessity of abolitionist struggle. Lately news on prisons has been in the media a lot. News like the ridicule idea that inmates are going to have to pay to be incarcerated, but also a call for heavier punishments in general. The prison system is undergoing a process of far reaching privatization. The state intends to make the prisons financially self-sufficient. By outsourcing the building and exploitation to private companies even more parties and people will make profit from locking up people. Continue reading

Spanningen in Griekse Gevangenissen

X-Greek-PrisonsDatum: 29-3-2014
Vertaling: Tommy Ryan

Ten midden van verslechterende omstandigheden en harde maatregelen is de woede deze week overgekookt waarbij een gevangenisbewaarder en een gevangene werden vermoord in de gevagenis in Malandrino, Griekenland.

De spanningen lopen hoog op in het Griekse gevangenissysteem na de dood van een gevangenisbewaker en de gevangene die hem vermoordde.
Eerder deze week werd Llia Kareli, vermoordde een 42-jarige gevangene gevangenisbewaarder Yiorgos Tsiranis in de gevangenis in Malandrino. Kareli, die een lange gevangenisstraf uit zat, had een verzoek ingediend zijn stervende moeder te bezoeken. Dit werd hem ontzegd. Met een scherp voorwerp heeft hij Tsiranis neergestoken die ter plaatse overleed. Kareli werd overgeplaatst naar de Nigrita gevangenis en werd daar in een isoleercel gehouden ter observatie. In deze cel is het later dood teruggevonden. Er is een onderzoek onderweg naar de doodsoorzaak maar het rapport van de lijkschouwer laat zien dat Kareli hevige verwondingen had die overeen lijken te komen met marteling van voor zijn dood. Continue reading

Revolutionary Struggle case: Text by Kostas Gournas about Lambros Foundas (Greece)

From: actforfreelambros

We have no other path worth walking except the one of resistance. The path of Lambros, the path of life.


Four years ago, the breath of a great fighter went out, my comrade of the Revolutionary Struggle, Lambros Foundas. He was killed during a shoot out, when members of the organization were attempting to expropriate a vehicle in Dafni.
Lambros politically came of age in the late part of the political transition after the junta and joined the anti-authoritarian movement. He participated in social clashes of the period characterized by that special spirit after the junta through which was arising the militant tradition, the collective memory of a population thirsty for freedom. Continue reading

5E: Letter from Amélie (Mexico)

February 23, Santa Martha prison, Mexico DF

On the evening of January 5, I was arrested with my comrades Fallon and Carlos for allegedly attacking the office of the Federal Secretary of Communications and Transportation of Mexico, and also a Nissan dealership. Windows were broken and molotov cocktails were thrown inside the ministry, (according to what the evidence says) and inside the new cars of the dealership. Damages are evaluated to more than 70 000 pesos at the ministry and 100 000 pesos at Nissan. Continue reading

Blackmail 3 is a site that is explaining/focusing and supporting the 3 people that are facing prison because of campaigning against HLS.


“Welcome to the support group for the Blackmail3, who are facing prison as part of an ongoing attempt by the UK authorities to stop people campaigning against animal testing. Browse the site to learn more about the case, what laws are being used and how you can help support the defendants. With the increasing repression of UK animal rights activism it’s important for us to stand in solidarity and resistance – with the animals inside laboratories and those who fight to save them.” Continue reading

Switzerland: Yet another denial of parole for anarchist Marco Camenisch

From: Contrainfomarco-camenisch-2

From the prison of Lenzburg, Marco Camenisch informs us that he has been notified of yet another rejection of his conditional release, to which he should have had access long ago, as he has already served two thirds of the sentence imposed by the Swiss courts. We spread an excerpt from his letter: Continue reading

Global Noise Demo: New Year’s Eve 2013/2014

From: Anarchist newslawaaidemo51-700x426

Inside and Outside Prisons, Jails, & Detention Centers around the World

This event is inspired by the North American call out for a day of action against prisons in the New Year of 2010/2011, which happened again in 2011/2012 and again last year, & remains relevant unchanged:

Noise demos outside of prisons in some countries are a continuing tradition. A way of expressing solidarity for people imprisoned during the New Year, remembering those held captive by the state. A noise demo breaks the isolation and alienation of the cells our enemies create, but it does not have to stop at that. Continue reading

Solidarity with Skelly from the Cleveland 4!

cle4-indiegogo-poster_0On the 7th of October Josh ‘Skelly’ was found guilty of terrorism and was sentenced to serving 10 years in prison. Josh is one of the Cleveland 4: these are four Occupy Cleveland activists (Brandon, Connor, Doug and Joshua “Skelly”) that were arrested on April 30th, 2012. They were accused of plotting a series of bombings, including that of an area bridge.  However, the real story is that the FBI, working with an informant, created the scheme, produced the explosives, and coerced these four into participating. The Cleveland 4 Support Committee wrote a statement abouth Josh’s sentencing: Continue reading