Media Terror-Frenzy: Greek counter-terrorism police arrested Antonis Stamboulos on 1 October on charges of belonging to the Revolutionary Organisation – Revolutionary Struggle (Epanastatikos Agonas: EA). The police said that Stamboulos’s arrest was likely to prevent terrorist attacks, probably planned for 1-4 October, on several targets mentioned in a notebook allegedly in Stamboulos’s possession. The targets are alleged to include Vangelis Marinakis (a shipowner and the chairman of the Olympiakos football team), Theodoros Fessas (the president of the Federation of Hellenic Industries) and his Athens-based IT firm InfoQuest, the premises of the ruling New Democracy (Néa Dimokratía: ND) party, as well as Capital (a Greece-registered ship management company), and German engineering company Siemens. Continue reading
Update on the health situation of the 4 anarchist comrades on hunger strike (Mexico)
“If you asked me what prison is, I would answer without a doubt that it is a wasteland of defined social-economic plans, where they throw all those individuals that bother them within society: this is why prison mainly houses mainly poor people” Xose Tarrio
“A movement that forgets its hostages is condemned to fail” Harold Tobson
As of October 1st, comrades Mario Gonzalez, Carlos Lopez ‘El Chivo’, Fernando Barcenas and Abraham Cortez, imprisoned in different prisons in Mexico City, are carrying out a hunger strike indefinitely. Continue reading
“Filaki” – Prison World: Film about the 2007 prison uprising – English subtitles + PDF (Greece)
ABC Hurricane uploaded the Filaki – Prison World DVD about 2007 prison riots uprising in Greece.
PDF: Prison World – Filaki zine
Documentary from Greece about the prison society, its role in social control and the ongoing rebellion against it…
The film focuses on the prison uprisings against the political repression and social war against the comrades in Greece as well as the hunger strikes against the Type-F prisons in Turkey which soon spread to engulf many of the prisons in Greece. These prisons are similar to the Type-C prisons in Greece, the FIES in Spain, the CSC in the UK and other punitive isolation torture regimes around the world. Continue reading
Animal liberationist comrade imprisoned for actions against the fur industry – Richard Klinsmeister (Sweden)
In June 2014, Richard Klinsmeister received a sentence of one year and nine months, for actions against the fur industry. His comrades, Karl and Ebba were each sentenced to 2 1/2 years in prison.
Write letters and postcards of support:
Richard Klinsmeister
Box 22113
501 14 Borås
Solidarity to the imprisoned comrades.
Doneer! Actieve solidariteit voor Kobane!
De solidariteitskas van de Vrije Bond heeft vandaag 500 euro (9-10-2014) overgemaakt naar de anarchistische organisatie D.A.F Devrimci Anar?ist Faaliyet (Revolutionair Anarchistisch Front). Door de loop der jaren zijn er verschillende ontmoetingen geweest tussen Nederlandse anarchisten (en Vrije Bond leden) en mensen van de D.A.F. De ervaring om met hen te spreken en te leren kennen, hebben altijd bijgedragen aan de overtuiging dat de kameraden van de D.A.F. zeer betrouwbaar zijn en zeer toegewijd aan de anarchistische zaak zijn. Continue reading
International solidarity call for Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet and the people of Kobanê (Kurdistan)
For more than a year, thousands of volunteer fighters have been defending the autonomous revolution of Rojava (in Northern Syria) from the Islamic State (ISIS).
Since this past July the North Syrian city of Kobanê, in the central canton of the Autonomous territory of Rojava, has been under siege by ISIS. ISIS fighters, armed with modern U.S. manufactured tanks, artillery, and small arms have been held at bay by volunteer fighters affiliated with the militias of the Kurdish People’s
Protection Units (YPG) armed with dated small arms and improvised weapons. Continue reading
Terreinbezetting tegen geplande gevangenis (Haren, bij Brussel, België)
Via: Indymedia
Sinds zo 10 augustus 2014 wordt er in Haren, een ten noorden van Brussel (België) gelegen deelgemeente, een kampement op- en uitgebouwd tegen de bouw een nieuwe megalomane gevangenis, die de Belgische staat daar gepland heeft.
In plaats van het probleem van criminaliteit bij de wortel aan te pakken (armoede, marginaliteit, ingelepeld winstbejag, competitie om hoger op de sociale ladder te komen, …) steekt men diegenen die niet binnen de lijntjes van het systeem passen liever weg in een nieuwe gevangenis. Want pleisters blijven plakken is gemakkelijker dan de wonde genezen. Continue reading
Solidariteitsdemonstratie voor opgesloten vluchtelingen & Protest tegen nieuwe gezinsgevangenis Kamp Zeist
OPROEP 11 oktober 2014 om 14 uur
Verzamelen om 14 uur bij Kamp Zeist, hoek Kampweg /Richelleweg (bij viaduct), Soesterberg Neem spandoeken en spullen mee om lawaai en muziek te maken!
Eind mei 2014 liet Teeven aan de Tweede Kamer weten dat hij van plan is een “speciale detentielocatie voor gezinnen en alleenstaande minderjarige vreemdelingen (amv’s)” te openen. Deze nieuwe gevangenis moet begin 2015 gereed zijn en is gepland op het terrein van Kamp Zeist in Soesterberg. Inmiddels weten we dat al in oktober van dit jaar “een tijdelijke voorziening” komt op Kamp Zeist. Continue reading
Kansas City: Anarchist comrade Eric G. King arrested for alleged incendiary attack on Representative office (USA)
The following is a report from the capitalist media. Comrades are in the process of contacting Eric and setting up support. More information will come as it becomes available.
His address at the moment is:
Eric King
CCA Leavenworth
100 Highway Terrace
Leavenworth, KS 66048
USA Continue reading
Solidarity with Karl Häggroth, imprisoned animalist comrade (Sweden)
Our comrade Karl was sentenced with Ebba to prison for animal rights activities, send him all the support you can! You can also send him magazines and books! Karl is a strong anti-racist, anti-fascist, anti-capitalist, animal-rights warrior who did what he could to combat the disgusting fur industry in Sweden and other oppressions. Situation is tough for the prisoner so we urge people to send support. Postcards, letters, etc.
Karl Häggroth
Box 3
701 40 Örebro