18-20 juli: Duitse gevangenen in hongerstaking uit solidariteit met de Griekse gevangenen

Demo-Soli-Griechenland-StadtdemoVan: 325

Dit is een bericht van Duitse gevangenen. Ze gaan in hongerstaking tussen 18 en 20 juli. Marco Camenisch, langdurige ecoanarchistische radicale gevangene in Zwitserland zal ook deelnemen. Dit is een uitdrukking van de internationale gevangenen solidariteit met de strijd van de Griekse gevangenen tegen de nieuwe gevangenis systeem. Meer info volgt …

Solidariteit is ons wapen
Check: www.rhisri.org Continue reading

Greece: Update regarding the monstrous bill on maximum security prisons

jumping-overFrom: Contrainfo

After some modifications to the draft bill on maximum security prisons, the recess section of the Greek Parliament is now prepared to vote on this new law on Monday, July 7th. Perhaps it will take another summer session for the final voting, but their plan is to pass the bill no matter what… A protest gathering, supported also by anarchists, against the passage of the ‘prison reform bill’ will take place on Monday 7/7, at 18:00 in Syntagma Square, Athens. Continue reading

Free Marius Jacob Mason

mariusFrom: Freemariusmason

We would like to let everyone know that Marius Jacob Mason will no longer be using the name Marie, and will be using male pronouns. We hope that you will all join us in supporting Marius through this transition, which will no doubt be extra challenging within the prison system. Until his name is legally changed, any mail sent to Marius in prison will still need to be addressed to ‘Marie Mason’ on the envelope. This goes for donations also. Please write to Marius at this time! Receiving supportive and friendly mail makes a world of difference. Below is a statement read out by Moira Meltzer-Cohen, one of Marius’ legal representatives, at a solidarity event organized by New York City ABC recently.

“My name is Moira Meltzer-Cohen. I’m an attorney working with a person of immense courage and integrity, someone who struggles for liberation and self-determination on behalf of other people, non-human animals, and life on Earth itself. This is someone whose courage and integrity are made even more salient by the fact that their own liberation and their own autonomy have long been severely circumscribed. Continue reading

June 26, 2014 = 39 years

1460041_10152321104638098_1143393702_nFrom: Leonardpeltier

Greetings my Relatives, Friends and Supporters

As I have said so many times in the past I am deeply and truly honored that you remember me on this day and I am honored to have my words read to you today.  I think this commemoration day should be about the lives of all our people who in some way lived and died for us.

By the time of the Oglala shoot-out there had already been some 60 something of our Native people killed.  These people are the ones we are commemorating here today.  I always especially remember Joe Stunz,  who was a mentor to some of the younger boys in the community.

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Summary of Repression from ZAD

From: Earthfirst newswireimages.duckduckgo.com

Summary of arrests and trials since the demo in Nantes, February 22nd, according to information found by the anti-repression committee (CARILA)

February 22nd: 14 arrests, two released without charge. Of the 12 people charged, 5 had immediate trials the next day, and the 7 others will have trials later (3 on June 19th, 2 minors in children’s court, and no news for the 2 others). Continue reading

Announcing the Launch of “After Prison” Zine & Website Project

ResilienceDrawingfrom AfterPrisonZine.org

“After Prison” is a zine and website project aimed at sharing the voices of former earth and animal defense prisoners. This project hopes to help build an understanding of what life after prison can entail, so that individuals and communities can help create healthier environments for prisoners to return home to. It also provides an opportunity for former and current prisoners – whom often have restrictions on who they can communicate with – to connect with the experiences of others. Continue reading

Never Alone Eco-Prisoner Support Exhibition

LarryPendleton2-769x1024from NeverAloneArt.org

The second annual Never Alone online art auction launches today, June 11, the International Day of Solidarity with Marie Mason, Eric McDavid and all Eco-prisoners. Marie and Eric are two environmental and social justice activists who are both serving near 20 year sentences for their involvement in environmental struggle in the United States. All artworks will be exhibited and available for online purchase until June 30. Funds raised will be used to support Marie, Eric and other eco-prisoners’ needs.

There are 24 artists involved this year, including a number of prisoners who have contributed artworks from behind prison walls. All of the artworks focus on themes of wilderness, liberation, state captivity and our relationship with the natural world and other animals. Continue reading

Update on anarchist comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva (Spain)

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On 13th June 13 2012, among the many police operations against anarchists, the Italian government launched a repressive attack called ‘Operation Ardire’ on a dozen comrades. There were 40 raids, 24 people under investigation and 8 comrades sent to jail. In this case they tried to give a wider form to the operation, by accusing comrades imprisoned in different European countries such as Greece, Switzerland and Germany.

As usual, the State showed its authoritarian face against its sworn enemies, and fabricated roles of leaders, agents and organizers within yet another ‘terrorist association’, when in fact there were affinities, letter exchanges with prisoners, struggles and claims. Continue reading

Ebba-Olausson-1024x1024From: Walter bond

Ebba Olausson is a young Vegan Straight Edge woman that is currently under arrest in Skovde, Sweden, suspected for over twenty different attacks on fur farms and the fur industry as well as liberations of minks.  Ebba has tried to write me but I was not allowed her letter by the prison in which I am currently entombed.  Nor am I able to write to her since I am not allowed to write prisoners. Continue reading

Switzerland: Update about anarchist prisoner Marco Camenisch

marco-camenisch-2Since the 15th or the 16th of May, Marco Camenisch has been held in solitary confinement for five days in the prison of Lenzburg, Switzerland, because he refused to give a urine sample.

On the 23rd of May 2014 he will be transferred to the Bostadel penal institution. Whether his transfer was ordered because he once again refused to give a urine sample or it was planned beforehand, is (still) not clear to us.

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